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Begging – Consequences
  1. PROPHET MUHAMMAD (ﷺ) said:
    If you knew how bad begging is, no one would go to anyone else and ask him for anything.

    1. (SUNAN NASAI Vol #3, Hadith #2587)
  2. PROPHET MUHAMMAD (ﷺ) said:
    One of you will keep on begging until he meets Allah with not a bit of flesh on his face.

    1. (SAHIH MUSLIM Vol #3, Hadith #2396)
    2. (SAHIH MUSLIM Vol #3, Hadith #2398)
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  3. PROPHET MUHAMMAD (ﷺ) said:
    Asking is a labor that toils on a man's face, except if a man asks for something from the Sultan (ruler), or he asks for something that he cannot do without.

    1. (SUNAN TIRMIDHI Vol #2, Hadith #681)
    2. (SUNAN NASAI Vol #3, Hadith #2601)
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  4. PROPHET MUHAMMAD (ﷺ) said:
    Whoever begs from people in order to accumulate more wealth, it is as if he is asking for a live coal (from hell), so let him ask for a little or a lot.

    1. (SAHIH MUSLIM Vol #3, Hadith #2399)
    2. (SUNAN IBN MAJAH Vol #3, Hadith #1838)
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  5. PROPHET MUHAMMAD (ﷺ) said:
    Every time a man begs, it will turn into lacerations on his face (on the Day of Resurrection). So whoever wants his face to be lacerated (let him ask), and whoever does not want that (let him not ask): except in the case of a man who asks a Sultan (ruler), or he asks when he can find no alternative.

    1. (SUNAN NASAI Vol #3, Hadith #2600)
    2. (SUNAN ABU DAWUD Vol #2, Hadith #1639)
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  6. PROPHET MUHAMMAD (ﷺ) said:
    By Him in Whose Hand my life is, it is better for anyone of you to take a rope and cut the wood (from the forest) and carry it over his back and sell it (as a means of earning his living) rather than to ask a person for something and that person may give him or not.

    1. (SAHIH BUKHARI Vol #2, Hadith #1470-1471)
    2. (SAHIH BUKHARI Vol #2, Hadith #1480)
    3. (SAHIH BUKHARI Vol #3, Hadith #2074-2075)
    4. (SAHIH BUKHARI Vol #3, Hadith #2374)
    5. (SAHIH MUSLIM Vol #3, Hadith #2400)
    6. (SAHIH MUSLIM Vol #3, Hadith #2401)
    7. (SAHIH MUSLIM Vol #3, Hadith #2402)
    8. (SUNAN TIRMIDHI Vol #2, Hadith #680)
    9. (SUNAN IBN MAJAH Vol #3, Hadith #1836)
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  7. PROPHET MUHAMMAD (ﷺ) said:
    No doubt, it is better for a person to take a rope and proceed in the morning to the mountains and cut the wood and then sell it, and eat from this income and give alms from it than to ask others for something.

    1. (SAHIH BUKHARI Vol #2, Hadith #1480)
    2. (SAHIH BUKHARI Vol #2, Hadith #1470-1471)
    3. (SAHIH BUKHARI Vol #3, Hadith #2074-2075)
    4. (SAHIH BUKHARI Vol #3, Hadith #2374)
    5. (SAHIH MUSLIM Vol #3, Hadith #2400)
    6. (SAHIH MUSLIM Vol #3, Hadith #2401)
    7. (SAHIH MUSLIM Vol #3, Hadith #2402)
    8. (SUNAN TIRMIDHI Vol #2, Hadith #680)
    9. (SUNAN IBN MAJAH Vol #3, Hadith #1836)
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  8. PROPHET MUHAMMAD (ﷺ) said:
    It is better for anyone of you to take a rope (and cut) and bring a bundle of wood (from the forest) over his back and sell it and Allah will save his face (from the Hell-Fire) because of that, rather than to ask the people who may give him or not.

    1. (SAHIH BUKHARI Vol #2, Hadith #1471)
    2. (SAHIH MUSLIM Vol #3, Hadith #2400)
    3. (SAHIH MUSLIM Vol #3, Hadith #2401)
    4. (SAHIH MUSLIM Vol #3, Hadith #2402)
    5. (SUNAN TIRMIDHI Vol #2, Hadith #680)
    6. (SUNAN IBN MAJAH Vol #3, Hadith #1836)
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  9. PROPHET MUHAMMAD (ﷺ) said:
    It is better for one among you to bring a load of firewood on his back and give charity out of it (and satisfy his own need) and be independent of people, than that he should beg from people, whether they give him anything or refuse him.

    1. (SAHIH MUSLIM Vol #3, Hadith #2400)
    2. (SAHIH MUSLIM Vol #3, Hadith #2401)
    3. (SAHIH MUSLIM Vol #3, Hadith #2402)
    4. (SUNAN TIRMIDHI Vol #2, Hadith #680)
    5. (SUNAN IBN MAJAH Vol #3, Hadith #1836)
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