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Before Ablution


    1. PROPHET MUHAMMAD (ﷺ) said:
      There is no Salat (Prayer) for one who does not have Wudu (Ablution), and there is no Wudu for one who did not mention the Name of Allah over it (while starting).

      بِسْمِ اَللَّهِ

      In the Name of Allah.

      1. (SUNAN ABU DAWUD Vol #1, Hadith #101)
      2. (SUNAN TIRMIDHI Vol #1, Hadith #25-26)
      3. (SUNAN IBN MAJAH Vol #1, Hadith #397-400)
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    1. Ibn Wahb narrated from AdDarawardi, who mentioned that Rabi'ah explained the meaning of the Hadith of the Prophet (ﷺ) : There is no Wudu (Ablution) for one who did not mention the Name of Allah over it, -"It is (about) the one who performs Wudu or Ghusl (Bath) but he does not have the intention to perform the Wudu (performed) for Salat (Prayer) or the Ghusl (performed) for sexual impurity."

      1. (SUNAN ABU DAWUD Vol #1, Hadith #102)